SEL Competency: Responsible Decision-Making Print

What is Responsible Decision Making

What is Responsible Decision Making
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on What is Responsible Decision-Making ?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of responsible decision making. Students played a game called “Zones of Comfort” where they had to think about and discuss various decisions they might have to make. Share this [...]

Problem Solving

Problem Solving
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Problem SolvingProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]

Making Responsible Choices

Making Responsible Choices
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Making Responsible ChoicesProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self [...]

Building Unity

Building Unity
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Building UnityProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]

Warning Signs

Warning Signs
Educators » Elementary (3-5) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Warning SignsProject and Purpose Students examine making healthy choices. Essential Questions Why is it important to warn people of the dangers of tobacco? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students learned what the [...]

Making Healthy Choices

Making Healthy Choices
Educators » Elementary (3-5) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Making Healthy ChoicesProject and Purpose Students analyze the criteria for being “cool.” Essential Questions What are some healthy choices we can make to help stay away from drugs and alcohol? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used [...]

Perfectionism Games

Perfectionism Games
Educators » High School » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Perfectionism GamesProject and Purpose Students participate in improvisation games that teach strategies for dealing with perfectionism. Essential Questions What are some strategies to help us embrace making mistakes? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in the [...]

Life Mulligan

Life Mulligan
Educators » High School » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Life “Mulligan”Project and Purpose Students will apply advice from experts to analyze situations they would like to “do over” to turn a setback in to a comeback. Essential Questions How do we learn and move on from setbacks? Share this Link Note: [...]

Stop Before You Send

Stop Before You Send
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Stop Before You SendProject and Purpose Students will review and discuss the importance of proof-reading email and social media posts before sending or posting. Essential Questions Why is it important to slow down the pace of online e-mail communication? Share this Link [...]
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