Project and Purpose
Students will discuss someone maintains their courage when faced with adversity.
Essential Questions
What assets does someone draw on to deal with difficult life situations?
Discussion Questions: After watching the video...
Discuss in pairs, in small groups, or as a class:
1. Masha says, “I put on fronts to everybody…when I’m laughing a lot of times, I don’t feel like that…I’d like to sit in the corner of my room and cry to myself I would but I can’t”. Why do you think the says that she can’t cry all the time? Why do you think that she says she laughs with others even if she does not feel like it?
2. Masha says, “I think painting is so good, when you’re painting you don’t think about anything other than getting it right, the way you want it helps you leave that problem thing behind”. Why does she talk about painting as a way to not think about her problems? Why do you think art helps her? What kinds of things do you like to do that help you feel better when things are difficult?
3. Many teens underestimate the dangers associated with driving or riding in cars. For most people on any given day driving or being a passenger in a car is statistically the most dangerous thing they will do that day. Think about Masha and what know about driving. Develop a set of rules for yourself to follow every time you get in a car or truck either as a driver or a passenger. Explain why you think these rules will help keep you safe.
4. What advice do think Masha suggested in the speech she gave to other teens? What examples do you think Masha would suggest to be safe in daily activities?
- Paper and writing utensils or devices with note taking software
- Poster sized pieces of paper (optional)
- In a remote environment, meeting software will need to have “breakout room” and “raise hand” or similar functions enabled allowing for small group discussions
1. Mention to students that in the video when Masha is giving her speech to other teenagers about safe driving she says “I thought I was invincible”. Start off with several group questions about decisions such as:
- What are some examples of things or people who are invincible?
- Despite her injury what things can Masha still do?
Point out to students that Masha may not truly be invincible, but she has an invincible attitude.
2. Using your knowledge of students split them into groups of 2, 3 or 4. Ask students to brainstorm the characteristics that superheroes possess. Facilitator may wish to assign specific fictional superhero characters to a particular group.
3. Once students develop their lists have each group share the important characteristics of the superhero powers they discussed. Also ask students to tell what limits their superhero has (it is important to remember that like Masha, everyone has limits-some people may have greater limits than others).
4. Place a list of common characteristics that groups come up with on the board on a list for students to see. Ask probing questions about the characteristics and ask students if these characteristics apply to Masha and if so how. Debriefing questions can be used as a guide if needed.
Debriefing Questions
- How does Masha demonstrate courage?
- Why does Masha not want her disability to be the first thing people think about when they first meet her?
- If you see someone who has had a life changing injury, will you think differently because of learning about Masha? How so?