SEL Competency: Self-Awareness Print

What is Self-Awareness ?

What is Self-Awareness ?
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on What is Self-Awareness?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of self-awareness. Students participated in an activity called “My Top Five!” where they brainstormed 5 things about themselves and then they drew a self-portrait to demonstrate what they discovered. Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download [...]

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Growth MindsetProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and others. Share [...]

Identity Who am I?

Identity Who am I?
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Identity Who am I?Project and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]

Having Self-Confidence

Having Self-Confidence
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Having Self-ConfidenceProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and others. Share [...]

Write It Out

Write It Out
Educators » Elementary (3-5) » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Write It Out!Project and Purpose Students analyze the criteria for being “cool.” Essential Questions How do we practice self-control? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students discussed how to deal with a bad day and [...]

Obsessed with Fame

Obsessed with Fame
Educators » High School » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Obsessed with FameProject and Purpose Social media has many implications for youth today, students will discuss if they should value becoming famous. Essential Questions Are American teens addicted to fame? Explain. Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in [...]

On Glasses, Fullness, and Emptiness

On Glasses, Fullness, and Emptiness
Educators » High School » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Glasses, Fullness, and EmptinessProject and Purpose Students build arguments to convince their peers of the best way to develop a strong sense of optimism Essential Questions How do you develop a strong sense of optimism? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this [...]

Mnemonics Teach One

Mnemonics Teach One
Educators » High School » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Mnemonics Teach OneProject and Purpose Students analyze an article about mnemonics and create 3-5 original mnemonics. Essential Questions How do mnemonics and teaching help us remember and learn information? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in the classroom: [...]

Being Cool, Part 2

Being Cool, Part 2
Educators » High School » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Being Cool, Part 2Project and Purpose Student groups analyze articles about “coolness” and present their information to the full group. Essential Questions Is being “cool”…cool? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students continued their analysis [...]

Being Cool, Part 1

Being Cool, Part 1
Educators » High School » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on Being Cool, Part 1Project and Purpose Students analyze the criteria for being “cool.” Essential Questions How do you define what it means to be “cool”? Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation Starter.pdf If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students analyzed what it [...]
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