Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on A Chance for a New LifeProject and Purpose Students will explore the value of learning to make safe and socially positive choices. The main character in the video turned his back on a criminal lifestyle and channeled himself in positive ways. Video Overview: [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Becoming College and Career ReadyProject and Purpose It is okay to be shy, but sometimes shyness can interfere with quality relationships, students will answer questions about how to become more social. Video Overview: Glen Curtis was smart but very shy, and he always [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Pressure to SucceedProject and Purpose Many students are experiencing anxiety around succeeding now and in the future. In this lesson students will look at issues that may create pressure and anxiety and consider supports that may help. Video Overview: “I think there is [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Exceeding ExpectationsProject and Purpose Higher expectations lead to success, students will answer questions about the value of expectations. Video Overview: Some kids have families who expect them to do well in school, while other kids live with families who don’t expect much at [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Trading College for a TradeProject and Purpose There are many high earning careers that do not require a four-year college degree, students will answer questions and learn about career possibilities that may not require a college diploma. Video Overview: When it comes to career plans, Travis, [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on College MythsProject and Purpose There are many misconceptions about colleges that students may have, students will answer questions and dispel some myths about various college experiences. Video Overview: MYTH: COMMUNITY COLLEGES HAVE LOW ACADEMIC STANDARDS. “It’s like if you can’t meet the standards [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Whats a Responsible College VisitProject and Purpose College visits can be a useful tool if used correctly, students will answer questions to learn about how to go about responsibly making a college visit. Video Overview: High school seniors around the country are in the process of [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Early Exposure to a CareerProject and Purpose Students will answer questions about the importance of volunteering and how volunteer experiences can teach about potential career choices. Video Overview: Volunteerism has become a graduation requirement for high school students in hundreds of school districts [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Finding a MentorProject and Purpose Students will answer questions to discuss and understand the value of mentorship. Video Overview: Ten-year-old Tyrone used to be shy and rarely played with other kids his age. “And I didn’t like to smile because of my teeth, [...]
Educators » Middle School » Responsible Decision-Making Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Making the Most of EducationProject and Purpose Students will answer questions considering the earning levels of people who do not complete high school and earn a diploma. Video Overview: Teens like to spend money on clothes, cars, music, games, everything! Many teens work [...]
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