Grade Level: Preschool (PreK-2)

What is Self-Management

What is Self-Management
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Management Print Self-Management Family Resources on What is Self-Management ?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of self-management. Students also learned a skill called self-talk where they talk to themselves about what they should do before acting. Students then brainstormed, discussed and practiced self-talk as one method of [...]

What is Social Awareness

What is Social Awareness
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Social Awareness Print Social Awareness Family Resources on What is Social Awareness ?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of social awareness. Students also played a game called “Let’s Play Same or Different!”. Students then used their learning in the game to practice active listening. Share this Link [...]

What is Responsible Decision Making

What is Responsible Decision Making
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on What is Responsible Decision-Making ?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of responsible decision making. Students played a game called “Zones of Comfort” where they had to think about and discuss various decisions they might have to make. Share this [...]

What are Relationship Skills

What are Relationship Skills
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on What are Relationship Skills ?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of relationship skills. Students played a game called “The Great Debate!” where they had to make choices and practice disagreeing with each other Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download Parent Conversation [...]

What is Self-Awareness ?

What is Self-Awareness ?
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Awareness Print Self-Awareness Family Resources on What is Self-Awareness?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of self-awareness. Students participated in an activity called “My Top Five!” where they brainstormed 5 things about themselves and then they drew a self-portrait to demonstrate what they discovered. Share this Link BackgroundOpen/Download [...]

Problem Solving

Problem Solving
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Problem SolvingProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]

Making Responsible Choices

Making Responsible Choices
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Responsible Decision-Making Print Responsible Decision-Making Family Resources on Making Responsible ChoicesProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self [...]

Managing Strong Emotions

Managing Strong Emotions
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Management Self-Management Family Resources on Managing EmotionsProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and others. Share this [...]


Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Self-Management Print Self-Management Family Resources on CourageProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching social-emotional learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and others. Share this [...]


Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on FriendshipProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching whole life learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]
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